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Text Storage and Retrieval/Hypertext


Cuadra Associates, Inc.

STAR is a multi-user text management and information retrieval systemdesigned specifically to manage information about documents, images,engineering drawings, films, slides, photographs, artifacts, marketingand product information, company records, archives, and legaldepositions.With its underlying database management system and unique built-incapabilities, STAR offers:repeat, and 1.9 million characters per record.files.NEW_PARAGRAPH

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.2

Cuadra Associates, Inc.
11835 W Olympic Blvd Suite 855
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Phone: (310) 478-0066
        (800) 366-1390
Fax: (310) 477-1078